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Here are some more pics of me and some friends of mine, along with some of my artwork...

Some of these pictures are all of us at the studio for band practice...

Here's a pic of Mike, Davin, & I

All of the spots you see is dirt on Trevor's camera

Some freinds of mine at the Plano Centre

As you can see they have me in custody and are taking me to be frozen in

Me at band practice

playing a seven string...

Taking a break between songs here...

A steel guitar I drew...

I drew another one just like it and sent it to Stephen Collins, who playes "Eric Camden" on the show "7th Heaven," since he also is a muscian himself who is a big fan of guitars as well. He actually wrote me back a thankyou letter along with an autographed picture...

My mother (the middle), my aunt Janie (right), & cousin Jamie (left)

while they were visiting...

A cartoon I sketched...