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More celebrity pics...

Here are some more pics of me with some other celebrities at sci-fi conventions, book signings, ect. A special thanks to Trevor and my mother once again for taking these pictures.

Ray Park & I at the Plano Centre.

Ray has been in such films as X-Men, as "Toad" and in Star Wars Episode 2, as "Darth Mal." I got to speak to him while I was there and he was great!

To the right is Kenny Baker & I.

Kenny's most famous role is no doubt R2D2 from the Star Wars triligy. He also played "Fidget" in Time Bandits. Kenny was there with his wife whome I spoke with when I was there and she was absolutley hilarious!

William Shatner & I shaking hands...thanx dad!

This picture was taken about 17 years ago at Market Hall in Dallas. I actually got to speak to this man and he was very cool contrary to everyone's beliefs about him. This was also my first time to ever meet anyone off of Trek! not to mention my father and I got to see one heck of an awsome car show!

To the right is James Doohan signing autographs.

This picture was also taken quite a while back...my first Trek convention ever! we (other with me) were 7th graders... thanx to my mother for taking my boyfriend, myself, & my best friend at the time and putting up with us while we went completely nuts running around The Double Tree Hotel playing practical jokes on everyone and blasting our music!

Here is Brent Spiner speaking at a convention,

He is quite possibly one of the funniest actors I've ever met. He had the whole audience in an uproar! :) Surprisingly he has never pursued a career as a stand-up comedian...

To the right is Brad Dorrif and I.

Brad has been in so many t.v. shows and movies there are just too many to list. But to list a few is The X-Files (episode tittled "Beyond the Sea"), in the film "One Flew Over the Coo Coo's Nest," & "The Excorcist 3." I also spoke to Brad for a few minutes on what it was like working with Jack Nicholson, he said "Jack's a real character!" It was also a dream come true for my b-freind Trevor since Brad is by far one of his favorite actors.

David Naughton & I

David's most famous role is no doubt the character of "David" in "An American Werewolf In London." He has also had guest apperances in other shows and movies. While I was talking to him, I asked him if he had seen the sequal, which was "An American Werewolf In Paris." He said "No, and I don't really want to." He thought that making a sequal was a bad idea. He also said that he thought they imput way too much CGI. I personally thought the sequal was great, and I own both movies. I also thought that David was also still pretty hot after all these years...yikes!

Joanna Cammeron & I

Joanna is best known as "Isis," along Jason Bostwick as "Shazam." I actually got to stay and talk to Joanna for quite a while while I was there, and I may actually be designing and building her website. I spoke to her manager (I think he was anyway) who was there with her and we traded business cards. They both said they would get in touch with me about it. which they did via email a few weeks later...

Jonathan Frakes on stage

This picture was taken by me several years ago. Unfortunatly, it was before I had a digital camera so it was taken kind of far away...

Leonard Nimoy signing my book.

This took place at a book signing in Taylor's Books quite a few years ago. Leonard was signing his then new book tittled "I Am Spock." That was about the 3rd time I have met Leonard in person. He had written a book tittled "I am not Spock," in the late 60s which I found quite humorous...the first time I ever saw him on stage he did the most profesional, not to mention the most cool presentation of  "The Making of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home," Which he wrote, dirested, and also stared in.

Richard L and I

Richard is best known as "Admiral Motti" on board Darth Vader's star Destroyer. He was telling me about the Death Star model a fan had given him (seen in the picture with us), and how he wasn't sure how to get it on the plane because it was so heavy...lol. he & I along with Trevor were trying to come up with ideas how to get it on board...I'm still not sure if he ever got it home! LOL...

Jeremy Bulloch & I

Jeremy is best known as "Boba Fett" from Return of the Jedi. Very cool guy...:)

To the left is Peter Mayhew & I.

Peter is best known as "Chewbacha" from Star Wars. I asked him how tall he was and he told me 7 feet! I've literally met Peter twice so many times that he remembers my name now...wow, talk about going to a lot of sci-fi stuff!

To the right is Heman Zimmerman & I.

This picture was taken about 9 or 10 years ago. Herman is the set designer for a number of t.v. shows and movies. One such show is Star Trek: DS9. One of his movies includes "Better of Dead" with John Cusack among many others.